
The best of The Fired Up & Focused Challenge, available now via Amazon on Kindle and in Print!

Exclusive Book Bonus! The CEO’s Planner

You know you’re onto something special when your community takes your lessons and turns them into something as useful and beautiful as the CEO Planner!

When web designer Kayla Rose first participated in the Fired Up & Focused Challenge in 2014, she realized that a well planned day makes all the difference as a busy mama and business owner. Before?getting Fired Up & Focused, most of her?planning was?done on papers, sticky notes, napkins ? you name it!

Once she took the Fired Up & Focused Challenge, she realized she could turn the lessons into a beautifully designed planner to streamline and simplify her business. The CEO’s Planner was born!

Get your sh*t done and conquer your days. The CEO?s Planner is a place where you can start your day with a positive intention, set meeting goals, prioritize your to-do?s, stay on track and make sure that you get a little self love in too. Whether you are a mama CEO or a go gettin? boss lady,?this might just be the perfect little cocktail of a planner you need!


Peek Inside Your CEO Planner::

  • Successful Day Mantra
  • Important Date Schedule
  • 2015 Calendar Overview
  • Over One Hundred Inspirational Words Of Intention
  • Monthly Calendar
  • Daily Planner
  • To Do List Prioritizer
  • Blog Scheduler
  • Website Monthly Maintenance?Checklist

These tools alone have given me the structure ( I desperately needed and craved ) to realize that:?I can own a businesses with out being overworked, I can run this company like the CEO I am! I can have moments of peace because I deserve it, I can use a calendar and use it RIGHT and I can be with my beautiful family.

– Kayla Rose {Kayla Rose Designs}

Get your FREE Fired Up & Focused Workbook, The CEO’s Planner, plus access to the full 21 Day Fired Up & Focused Challenge!